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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dr. Mary's Monkey,Lee Harvey Oswald and AIDS

The nation is still fascinated with the events of 47 years ago when John F. Kennedy met his end in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas.  The public was cheated of its justice by the assassination of  Lee Harvey Oswald, who was murdered two days later by Jack Ruby in the basement of the Dallas Police Headquarters.

This new study of the events by Edward T. Haslam surrounding the development of a polio vaccine in the 1950's has Polio Researcher Dr. Mary Sherman of New Orleans, Louisiana, killed mysterious and gruesomely after the Salk Polio Vaccine killed several monkeys.   Another byproduct of the research was the inadvertent creation of a new cancer causing agent which might have propagated and spread, creating more cancers and perhaps even the HIV virus.  Add into this mix the connection to CIA pilot David Ferrie who was later implicated in the Kennedy assassination as a possible behind the scenes orchestrator of the supposed plot in which Lee Harvey Oswald was used as a Patsy in the Assassination of JFK.

Bordering on the edge of plausibility, the narrative hints at CIA attempts to exploit a vaccine that could be used to control populations, especially those it did not like (communists).  Today we are well aware that the CIA engaged in "black ops", where whatever means was available was used against the enemies of  "The American Way" to control ideas, thoughts and even the growth of people in other nations.  Ferrie is connected to this story as a Mouse Sitter in the late 1950's and early 1960's about the same time he would have been shepherding a young Lee Harvey Oswald, after they met at a Civil Air Patrol unit in New Orleans.

If you are a conspiracy believer, this book is a fascinating alternate take on the Ferrie/Oswald/Ruby connection that has the Mafia and CIA in cahoots with each other to battle communism while at the same time allowing the Mob to prosper in the early 1960's.

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